Dancer Rd, Fulham SW6 – Retrospective Basement
Surveyors: ABA Chartered Surveyors
Client: Private Developer
The existing building is a three storey mid terraced early Victorian building with a rear out rigger and cellar under the entrance hall. The adjoining building on one side is a four storey building.
The proposal was to form a full basement under the main building and party under the rear out rigger. There was a light well to the front garden.
The light well to the front garden was positioned two meters from the back edge of the public highway footway.
The existing external and party walls were all underpinned. Retaining walls were constructed to the front light well and the rear wall under the outrigger.
A picture frame knock through was created to the main building rear wall at basement level. The entire existing ground floor was supported on a grillage of beams. Additionally the chimney breast to the party wall was supported on steelwork to maximise the space within the basement.
Tel: 020 8560 2289